Gracias por su interes en el Academic Friday pero el evento ya terminó. Lo esperamos en 2018 en el "4th Annual Academic Friday."
3rd Annual Academic Friday
Beyond Limits
Hosted by CIIT


Viernes, 19 de Mayo de 2017


ITCelaya, Campus II. Edificio de Vinculación.

3rd Annual Academic Friday

Beyond limits

 Ofrecer conferencias en donde los participantes interactuen entre ellos.
 Favorecer la adquisición de estrategias de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.
 Adquirir un nivel de competencia en la lengua extranjera que permita utilizarla con fines prácticos.
 Comentar experiencias propias que ayuden al aprendizaje.
 Compartir tendencias innovadoras de metodologías para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras.
 Conocer múltiples técnicas didácticas utilizadas por docentes que imparten lenguas extranjeras.
 Fomentar un desarrollo continuo de la práctica en profesional.
 Dar a conocer las diferentes oportunidades de becas que hay en el extranjero para profesores y alumnos.
  •  Enseñanza y aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras para niños y adolescentes.
  •  Formación de docentes.
  •  Movilidad estudiantil.
  •  Interculturalidad en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.
  •  Innovación en el proceso educativo.
Dirigido a

A todos los profesionistas, académicos que imparten docencia en algún centro de idiomas o afín, así como también a estudiantes e instituciones educativas interesadas en lenguas extranjeras.


Reconocimientos con valor curricular.


Rene Ramirez is the National Manager for Trinity College London and Independent Academic Advisor; he is responsible for Mexico and other countries in Latin America. He designs and delivers professional development courses for teachers and workshops on how to understand and implement ESOL international standards in the classroom.
Exam results are one of the most controversial part of education, students are not happy with the results, teacher are not happy with the results and authorities are not happy with the results, are exams really needed? Do current exams really test what should be tested? Are exam results a real reflection of what a student knows? Do current exams benefit the student or the process? This talk analyses current local and international exams to try and answer these and other questions.
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Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she has done studies in Anthropology as a NSF Junior Fellow, and at UDLAP, has certifications in ICELT, CELE-UNAM, and CENEVAL in Educational Sciences, as well as Non-credit university courses in Educational Investigation and Pedagogy. She is an ETS Examiner and has been a Cambridge Vigilator for FCE and CAE. Material developed in teams or individually over the past 35 years are: Courses for Guided and Free Conversation, Advanced Grammar Usage, Reading Comprehension for Beginners and Intermediate Levels in High School, General Studies University Students, Business Administration, Law, Communication Sciences, and Tourism; Preparation for TOEFL and Initial Teacher Preparation, an Annuies Program and is founding teacher of CBTis 198 and Centro de Idiomas at ITC. At present she teaches English at all levels at ITC Language Center, presently commissioned to the CIIT program for TV Lince.

A workshop that has as its objective to fire the teachers’ imagination, eliminate constraints and develop inicial creativity for when the teacher is faced with the problem of low budgets and/or lack of material at work.

Roger Espadas holds a B.A. in English Language Teaching by Ceneval, México. For seven years, he taught at The Anglo and Tec de Monterrey where he was founder of CEDDIE for innovative education. He has lectured on eLearning and Gamification for both institutions. Roger is currently working at Empreser ELT as Academic Consultant.

Acquiring and developing strong pronunciation skills is one of the most daunting tasks for learners of English. Although maintaining an accent is a cultural trait of a student’s personal background, the ability of producing native-like sounds turns out to be an effective vehicle of motivation for students. Moreover, not working on doing so may hinder fluent communication, which is in fact the ultimate goal when one decides to learn a different language. Nevertheless, teaching pronunciation is not easy. We as teachers tend to over-rely on technical terms and academic jargon that makes little contribution to students’ language acquisition. For that reason, during this workshop, you will learn a series of techniques that will help you and your students develop pronunciation skills from a proprioceptive approach which promotes physical awareness of one’s movements and organs. By applying this techniques in your classroom, students will work in a lively way, internalizing new movements of their mouths during the course of a lesson that resembles more the training for a game rather than a lesson to be learned.

Rene Ramirez is the National Manager for Trinity College London and Independent Academic Advisor; he is responsible for Mexico and other countries in Latin America. He designs and delivers professional development courses for teachers and workshops on how to understand and implement ESOL international standards in the classroom.
The process of Teaching & Learning for the future is not about sharing knowledge, the knowledge that educators hold, will be of little or no use for future generations, these generations will have jobs that don´t exist yet, they will have to face challenges that we can’t yet imagine, solve problems that currently, we are not able to provide with a solution, learners will need to develop a set of learning tools, that will enable them to cope with future challenges and help them develop solutions. It is the tutors task to guide them to develop those skills.

He holds a degree in English teaching as a foreign language, he also has the following certifications

  • C1.2 Level certification by Trinity College London
  • C1 Level certification by CENNI
  • C1+ Level certification by College Board
  • B2 Level certification by University of Cambridge (FCE)
  • TKT module 1 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT module 2 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT module 3 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT Practical by University of Cambridge
  • ICELT by University of Cambridge
  • TESST by College Board

With 30 years in the language field, the last 20 years he had been dedicated to the research of foreign language learning and has had as main activities: being a instructor for teachers of foreign languages in different programs such as Teacher´s Course and Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), and training candidates for B1, B2 and C1 certification levels.

Among his previous achievements and positions some worth mentioning are: his participation in congresses and webinars along with the American Embassy, his been advisor to "Dirección de Formación de Lenguas Extranjeras" from IPN, to have evaluated the 32 DGTI deputies(representatives) at a national level, being the author of the english program for the Tecnológico Nacional de México (The biggest educational system in the american continent), to which he was founder and currently he is national coordinator.

He has participated as COMEXUS evaluator for ETA (English Teachers Assistants) program.

Also, he has been a speaker and workshop trainer in a variety of events such as MEXTESOL, "Encuentros de lenguas extranjeras" from IPN, from UVP and "La Feria Internacional de Idiomas" from FIID among others.

He has been Director, Coordinator, supervisor, academic advisor and professor in various institutions both public and private.

Currently, he is developing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) for English learning for TecNM students.

Being a foreign language teacher goes beyond just being in a classroom in front of some students doing the same activities over and over again.

This conference will make you reflect on what we are doing as foreign language teachers.

We are having a hindsight on what we teach and the way we do it.

This lecture will provide you with some examples of activities that go beyond the traditional teaching

Join us and have fun!


Rene Ramirez

Rene Ramirez is the National Manager for Trinity College London and Independent Academic Advisor; he is responsible for Mexico and other countries in Latin America. He designs and delivers professional development courses for teachers and workshops on how to understand and implement ESOL international standards in the classroom.

Rosa Arana

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she has done studies in Anthropology as a NSF Junior Fellow, and at UDLAP, has certifications in ICELT, CELE-UNAM, and CENEVAL in Educational Sciences, as well as Non-credit university courses in Educational Investigation and Pedagogy. She is an ETS Examiner and has been a Cambridge Vigilator for FCE and CAE. Material developed in teams or individually over the past 35 years are: Courses for Guided and Free Conversation, Advanced Grammar Usage, Reading Comprehension for Beginners and Intermediate Levels in High School, General Studies University Students, Business Administration, Law, Communication Sciences, and Tourism; Preparation for TOEFL and Initial Teacher Preparation, an Annuies Program and is founding teacher of CBTis 198 and Centro de Idiomas at ITC. At present she teaches English at all levels at ITC Language Center, presently commissioned to the CIIT program for TV Lince.

Rogelio Espadas

Roger Espadas holds a B.A. in English Language Teaching by Ceneval, México. For seven years, he taught at The Anglo and Tec de Monterrey where he was founder of CEDDIE for innovative education. He has lectured on eLearning and Gamification for both institutions. Roger is currently working at Empreser ELT as Academic Consultant.

Carlos Martínez

He holds a degree in English teaching as a foreign language, he also has the following certifications

  • C1.2 Level certification by Trinity College London
  • C1 Level certification by CENNI
  • C1+ Level certification by College Board
  • B2 Level certification by University of Cambridge (FCE)
  • TKT module 1 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT module 2 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT module 3 by University of Cambridge
  • TKT Practical by University of Cambridge
  • ICELT by University of Cambridge
  • TESST by College Board

With 30 years in the language field, the last 20 years he had been dedicated to the research of foreign language learning and has had as main activities: being a instructor for teachers of foreign languages in different programs such as Teacher´s Course and Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), and training candidates for B1, B2 and C1 certification levels.

Among his previous achievements and positions some worth mentioning are: his participation in congresses and webinars along with the American Embassy, his been advisor to "Dirección de Formación de Lenguas Extranjeras" from IPN, to have evaluated the 32 DGTI deputies(representatives) at a national level, being the author of the english program for the Tecnológico Nacional de México (The biggest educational system in the american continent), to which he was founder and currently he is national coordinator.

He has participated as COMEXUS evaluator for ETA (English Teachers Assistants) program.

Also, he has been a speaker and workshop trainer in a variety of events such as MEXTESOL, "Encuentros de lenguas extranjeras" from IPN, from UVP and "La Feria Internacional de Idiomas" from FIID among others.

He has been Director, Coordinator, supervisor, academic advisor and professor in various institutions both public and private.

Currently, he is developing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) for English learning for TecNM students.

Au Pairs

Enfocados a jóvenes estudiantes interesados en expandir sus conocimientos y que tengan deseos grandes de viajar al extranjero, proporcionamos una variedad selecta de programas accesibles para que puedan cumplirlo, como lo son el programa de Au pairs (niñeras) en EUA y Europa donde la familia que las recibe les proporciona el hospedaje y su salario semanal, el programa de Estudia y Trabaja en Irlanda por un mínimo de 6 meses o también el programa de estudio de inglés en ILAC en Canadá, cada uno de ellos tiene ventajas estupendas para los estudiantes y todos dan la posibilidad de descubrir otra cultura y mejorar o aprender otro idioma.


AIESEC es una organización global creada, operada y dirigida por estudiantes y recién egresados para desarrollar experiencias de liderazgo. Su principal actividad es vincular con universidades, organizaciones y empresas para que miles de jóvenes realicen pasantías profesionales o de voluntariado en el extranjero. La asociación busca incrementar la competitividad en los jóvenes y otorga una perspectiva global y herramientas prácticas para crear agentes de cambios, que impacten positivamente en la sociedad.

Lourdes Jasso

Holds a Masters Degree in teaching and a Bachelors Degree in International Business.

She is also certified by ICELTS (In Service Certificate in English Language Teaching) and took the TSL5004-TEFSL at Algonquin College Ottowa, Canada.

She is a Bilingual Secretary and an English Teacher. She worked at Universidad Tecnológica Laja Bajío (Universidad Bilingüe), Universidad Lasallista Benavente, Universidad Latina de México, Escuela Normal Justo Sierra and Colegio New England.

She is currently working at the Language Center in the Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya.

Ivonne Moncada

I studied at the UNIVERSIDAD METROPOLITANA in Mexico City.

I have a certification as an English teacher: the Teaching Knowledge Test, the TKT, by the University of Cambridge. I also have attended to congresses and workshops for English teachers. I have participated in projects at the Tecnologico de Celaya, doing the programs of the Language Center with another teacher as well as making certification exams.

I have been teaching all levels of English for the last 19 years.

Luis Mendoza

Holds a degree in computer systems engineering specialized in emerging technologies for decision making and works at the Centro de Investigación e Inovación Tecnológica A.C. in the Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya’s Language center as a German and English teacher. He has worked with people from all ages: children, teenagers and adults, he has also worked with college students and collaborated with the organization of the IV Foro de Divulgación Científico y Tecnológico, a forum to spread science and technology. He has a Microsoft Technology Associate: Database Fundamentals certification, a TOEFL IBT, TKT certification and a Zertifikat Deutsch (German Certificate) .

He has participated in different events such as: the local stage of Evento Nacional de Innovación Tecnológica (ENIT), the state stage of the second contest of science and technology Vive conCiencia in which he won first place, the scientific publication Pistas Educativas by the Tecnológico de Celaya, with different projects and recently participated in the 2nd Conference Cycle for The Life and Work Program with the topic: Social Media: The Impact in Today’s Society.

Noemí Alvarez

Mrs. Alvarez has been an English teacher for over 25 years.

She worked at the Universidad Salesiana, in Mexico City, from 1992 to 2004 as a teacher and a coordinator. Then she worked at the Colegio Marista de Celaya from 2004 to 2007. And she has worked at the Language Center of the ITC since 2010.

David Guillén

He holds a degee in Clinical Psychology by “Universidad de Guanajuato”.

He has worked as an English teacher at the “Swissland International Institute” and at the language Center “Let´s Talk”.

He also has worked as a French teacher at the language Center “Peer2Peer”.

At the present time he is working as an English teacher at the language center at the “Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya”.

Amparo Martín

She holds a degree in pedagogy by “Universidad del Centro del Bajío”, she also studied Accountant assistant at the “Colegio Pedro Moreno”.

She has a diploma in teaching skills in upper secondary level by “Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey” and a Certification in distance education.

Also, she took an English course TOEFL ITP at the “Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya”.

Currently she is working as an English teacher at the language center at the “Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya”.

Bruno Ortiz

He holds a degree in Administration by “Universidad UNITESBA”.

He has worked as responsible of the “Programa de Control y Fomento sanitario”, also, he has experience in public relations and in corporate image design.

He has worked as an English teacher at the “Universidad Tecnológica de Estudios Superiores del Bajío” and as a translator, private counselor and interpreter in “British Council México”.

Currently, he is working as an English teacher at the language center in the “Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya”.

Anahí Preciado

She holds a degree in Tourism Administration by “Universidad UNITESBA.

She has worked as an English and French teacher at the “Centro Nacional de Computación de México”, “Instituto Tecnológico de Roque” and at the “Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de México”.

Also, she has imparted intensive English courses to companies such as “Empresas nieto y Cía” and “CIE Celaya”.

Currently she is working as an English teacher at the language center at the “Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya”.

Myrna Pérez

She studied biochemical engineering in Instituto Tecologico de Celaya.

She has participated as an exponent in Academia Journal on several editions with different projects, such as “Learning and teaching English strategies in Mexico”.

She has been a co-author on different academic projects in Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato and Universidad Tecnologica del centro de México.

She has been working as teacher for four years.

Benjamín Leyva

Professor Benjamin acquired the GED Diploma, High School equivalent, at Elgin Community College. Later, he enrolled in the Engineering Technology Program, where he received his CAD Technician Certificate and later successfully received an Associate Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Harper College in Palatine Illinois. Before Benjamin finished his degree in Engineering he was offered a job at MOLON Motors as a Mechanical designer from 1998 to 2000. This company manufactured gearboxes for vending machines. There, he established the use of AutoCad, introduced the 3D mode and helped to create a product library for the Engineering Department. While working for this company Benjamin was sent to complete the Certificate for AutoCad Update Training issued by Autodesk Training Center and Certificate Mechanical Desktop issued by CADD/CAM TOOLS, INC.

Due to Benjamin’s goals and ambitions he moved to BRAN+LUEBBE where he worked as a mechanical designer from 2000 to 2005.

Finally, Benjamin was offered a challenging job with good benefits and moved to Switchcraft where he worked as a Mechanical Designer from 2005 to 2013.

Once stablished in Mexico, Benjamin enrolled in the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) program offered by CIIT. Later that year, he received his English Teaching Certificate Issued by Cambridge English and CIIT. Professor Benjamin took an offer to teach English at CIIT and he has been teaching there since 2013. Also, Benjamin has been doing engineering projects for companies that requested them as well as training employees on the use of SolidWorks.

Enid Ochoa

She has a Bachelor´s Degree in Communication Sciences with a Minor in Mass Media. Certified in the domain and didactics of English language with the next certifications:

  • Certificate of Language Possession from CELE-UNAM
  • TKT Modules 1, 2, and 3 from Cambridge University
  • Certificate in Human Development

She is a full time English teacher since 2009, currently working at Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya and INSVIG Elementary School. She has worked with children, teenagers and adults in all English levels.

Denise Danglot

Denise Danglot Silva is a full-time English teacher in Tecnológico de Celaya with 11 years of experience. She has certifications by Cambridge and TOEFL. She has a certification course in pedagogical update by SEP. She has worked with children, teenagers and adults in different schools such as University of Celaya and UTEC.

Irma Jimenez

Irma Jímenez Alba is a full-time English teacher in Tecnológico de Celaya with 22 years of experience. She has certifications by Cambridge, TOEFL and Cenni. She has a certification course in pedagogical update by SEP.

Mauricio Arizmendi

Born on April 9th 1992,​​ in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

Graduated with ​​a major in communications, ​​and studies in English teaching.

Former​ ​​​me​​mber of many bands through his lifetime​​. Made for playing rock and roll, heavy rock and other rock-related genres. Current vocalist of “Después del Trueno”, band formed in 2013 in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, which is dedicated to compose ​​its own songs.

Participant of events such as anime conventions, Chiapas local fairs​​, and indie performances organized by local musicians.

Fan of music due to his father​​, who is a classic guitar player​​, and singer of ballads and folkloric Mexican music. He started his guitar studies when he was 12 years old and started his first band at the age of 15. He​ i​s a real enthus​​iast of genres such as rockabilly, rock and roll, heavy metal, jazz, bossa nova, polkas, Latin American music, funk, disco and any genre related to progressive​​, ​​he is always looking for more and unknown music that may help ​​him to improve his appreciation and taste in music.

Fernanda Alfaro

Holds a degree in Tourism from the Universidad de Celaya, also she has an EF Language certificate, the grade on I Set Out by Universidad de Celaya and she also has a degree on Neuro-linguistic programming.

She participated in the seminar “America Latina, estrategias y culturas de los negocios internacionales”, in the organization of the event and conference cycle “sostenibilidad energética” in the World tourism day.

She worked as an English teacher at the Jerome Bruner Institute.

Currently, she is working as an English teacher at the language center at the Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya.

Margarita García

Margarita has been in Education for 16 years and joined the ITC Language Center in 2004, she is certified by ICELT (In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching / Cambridge ), CENNI 14 (Certificación Nacional de Nivel de Idioma Ingles / SEP) , Tecnico Superior en la Enseñanza del Idioma Ingles (Cedula) & TESOL Language Ability in Young Adults and Adults (Certification). She teaches English at all levels at the ITC language center and ULM, she is as well a Teacher Trainer for the “Especialista en la Enseñanza del Idioma Ingles” program .

Magdalena Guevara

Magdalena has been an English language teacher at ITC since 2014. She holds a Bachelor’s degree on Touristic Business Administration from UVM Campus Querétaro from where she graduated on May 2013. Throughout her university studies she was able to participate in different internship programs; in 2010 with Me by Melia Hotel in Cancun, and in 2012 with W Fort Lauderdale Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Upon graduation she was awarded a Queretaro state scholarship ‘Beca Gobernadores’ which allowed her to once more participate in an internship program in the United States of America, only this time in Washington DC. She currently teaches different English language courses at ITC and is the cofounder of ‘Redes Verdes’, the first environmentalist non-profit organization in the region.

Mitchelle Vilchis

Teacher Mitchelle has been working in the ITC Language Centre for four years. She also has a wide knowledge of social media sites and is an expert on helping students to take advantage of new technology.

Alida Sánchez

B.Sc in biochemistry, graduated form ITC.

Have participated in several ecological programs, such as recycling and helping raise awareness about environmental issues and taking care of our most valuable resource, water.

Have taken several courses in the area of biochemistry, such as pharmaceutical biotechnology, water treatment among others.

Successfully completed the TKT course and the certification exams.

Have been working as an English teacher for 8 years and currently working for the language centre of ITC and in the life and work programme for the ITC.

Arturo Pérez

Arturo Pérez Fernández was born in 1964. At the age of 13 studied oil painting with Titina, Works as an English teacher since 1984. He studied ITTC at the Anglo also studied Fashion Design and has been working in private collections. He specially likes patchwork design. Currently teaches English on Saturdays at this institution. Lives in Celaya since 2010.



Alumnos del ITCelaya o Centro de Idiomas del ITCelaya u otra institución.

Este pago te da acceso a las conferencias matutinas.

$ 130.00* MXN

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*Precios válidos hasta el 18 de Mayo.


Docentes del Centro de Idiomas del ITCelaya u otra institución.

Este pago te da acceso a las conferencias vespertinas.

$ 300.00* MXN

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*Precios válidos hasta el 18 de Mayo.


461 611 7575 ext. 2509

Centro de Idiomas (Edificio A), Campus 2. ITCelaya.
Lunes a Viernes de 08:00am - 06:00pm